Tour Overview:
Our tours are designed for high school students interested in related areas of study such as physical education, health and wellness and health care (eg, 12 U Exercise Science, Biology, Physical Education/Fitness, Health and Wellness courses). Tours usually last up to 120 minutes (2 hours). They introduce students to the commonly used tests of human performance and body composition. Led by graduate students in the Department of Kinesiology, they consist of:
- A 15 minute PowerPoint introduction and overview of the scientific rationale for commonly used tests of human physical performance and body composition;
- A 90 minute “hands on” laboratory demonstration of a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) test, Wingate tests and body composition tests using state-of-the-art scientific testing equipment. (See short descriptions of these tests below.)
- A 15 minute summary and question and answer period designed to allow students to learn more about the Kinesiology program.
Use the link below for information on safety protocols for visits
Communicable Illnesses Prevention

Tour Cost (Revised November 2021):
Cost is $375.00 plus HST (total of $423.75) for a class of up to 32 people (total number includes students and teachers(s).
Payment can be made by cheque (payable to McMaster University) at the time of the tour or by major credit card
Note: For class sizes over 30 students, two tours need to be booked. Please complete another registration form
Tour Application:
In-Person Laboratory Tour Application
Test Descriptions
VO2max Test: Determines the maximal amount of oxygen that can be utilized by the body, and is considered the “gold standard” measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. It is the most commonly used test of performance for athletes who compete in endurance sports (eg, cycling and running). The test involves exercising at progressively higher workloads on a stationary cycle or treadmill while breath samples are collected through a mouthpiece.
Wingate Test: Determines maximal power output during a 30 second “all out” sprint on a specialized cycle ergometer. The Wingate Test is extremely demanding and maximally stresses the body’s aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It is the most commonly used test of performance for athletes who compete in strength and power sports, or those who perform short repeated bursts of activity (eg, hockey, rugby, soccer).
Body Composition Test. Measures a person’s body mass, using a very accurate electronic scale, and body volume, which is determined while sitting inside the BOD POD chamber. The BOD POD provides information on fat and fat-free mass, resting metabolic rate, and an estimate of a person’s daily energy (calorie) requirement.
McMaster Campus Tours
Campus tours must be booked independently from the Kinesiology lab tour.
You may also be interested in arranging a general McMaster Campus Tour through our Student Recruitment Office. Please visit their website at: for more information, you can also tour some of McMaster’s facilities on your preferred device by visiting our virtual tour.