Undergraduate Academic Awards
For students registered in Kinesiology, a wide selection of awards for academic excellence are available. We also have a generous awards program available to all students with high academic standing. Please consult the In-Course Award section of the McMaster Undergraduate Calendar for further information or use AwardSpring on Mosaic. With AwardSpring, you can complete one common app that matches you with all the aid & award opportunities you’re eligible for. It also tracks the completion of any additional requirements on a user-friendly dashboard.
Below is a list of the In-Course Awards available to Kinesiology students via application through AwardSpring:
Expandable List
Apply by: April 29
Award: $4,500.00
Established in 1998 by William F. Campbell of Ottawa, Ontario in memory of his wife Betty Taylor Campbell, a 1937 McMaster graduate, an Olympic medallist in 1936 and 1990 inductee into the Athletics Hall of Fame.
Requirements: To be awarded to a student who has completed Level 1 in a program in Kinesiology and who, in the judgment of the Department of Kinesiology, demonstrates academic excellence and outstanding athletic ability. The award is renewable for up to three years provided the recipient maintains a Grade Point Average of 8.0.
The recipient of this award is eligible to receive the corresponding donor bursary if financial need is demonstrated.
- Applicant must be academic level 1.
- Applicant must be an undergraduate.
- This award is specific to students in the Science Honours Kinesiology program.
- This award is specific to students in the Faculty of Science.
- This award is specific to students in a Kinesiology plan.
- This award is not second degree eligible.
- Applicant must have read, understood, and agreed to the Student Declaration.
- Applicant must be enrolled.
- Applicant must be a current student.
- Applicant must have a minimum 8.0 cumulative GPA.
- Applicant must have a minimum 18 graded units.
Apply by: April 29
Award: $100.00
Established in 1982.
Requirements: Two prizes to be awarded to graduating students who, in the judgment of the Department of Kinesiology, have submitted an outstanding paper or project.
- Applicant must be academic level 3 or above.
- Applicant must be an undergraduate.
- This award is specific to students in the Faculty of Science.
- This award is specific to Kinesiology students.
- This award is not second degree eligible.
- Applicant must have read, understood, and agreed to the Student Declaration.
- Applicant must be enrolled.
- Applicant must be a current student.
- Applicant must be eligible for graduand awards.
- Applicant must be enrolled in an Bachelors, Bachelors Co-op, Honours, Honours Internship, or Honours Co-op program.
- Applicant must have a minimum 8.0 cumulative GPA.
- Applicant must have a minimum 60 graded units.
- Applicant must have a minimum of 3 sessional graded units.
Apply by: April 29
Award: $500.00
Established in 2001 in loving memory of Kinesiology student Nancy Car. Requirements: To be awarded to a student entering Level 4 of Kinesiology who, in the judgment of the Faculty of Science, has attained notable academic standing and demonstrated leadership at McMaster University or in the community.
- Applicant must be academic level 3.
- Applicant must be an undergraduate.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Co-op, Honours, or Honours Co-op program.
- This award is specific to students in the Kinesiology program.
- This award is not second degree eligible.
- Applicant must have read, understood, and agreed to the Student Declaration.
- Applicant must be enrolled.
- Applicant must be a current student.
- Applicant must have a minimum 18 graded units.
- Applicants must have a minimum 9.5 sessional average.
- Applicant must be eligible for in-course awards (Graduating students are not eligible).
Apply by: April 29
Award: $1,200.00
Established in 1985 by the alumni, faculty and staff of the School of Physical Education and Athletics as a tribute to Professor Rose Hill, long-time teacher, coach and administrator in the School.
Requirements: Two scholarships to be awarded to students who have completed at least Level 2 in a Kinesiology program and who, in the judgment of the Department of Kinesiology, best demonstrate the philosophy of physical education espoused by Professor Hill throughout her career, namely, excellence in scholarship and leadership and participation in sport, dance or fitness.
- Applicant must be minimum academic level 2.
- Applicant must be an undergraduate.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Co-op, Honours, or Honours Co-op program.
- This award is specific to students in the Faculty of Science.
- This award is specific to students in a Kinesiology program.
- This award is not second degree eligible.
- Applicant must have read, understood, and agreed to the Student Declaration.
- Applicant must be enrolled.
- Applicant must be a current student.
- Applicant must have a minimum of 18 sessional graded units.
- Applicants must have a minimum 9.5 sessional average.
- Applicant must be eligible for in-course awards (Graduating students are not eligible).
Undergraduate Kinesiology Research Awards
The Kinesiology Research Awards are intended to encourage undergraduate students to develop and pursue their passion for research in the field of Kinesiology. Students develop skills and gain research experience working on a project under the supervision of a Kinesiology faculty member. These awards provide financial support and opportunities to work at the forefront of research in the Department of Kinesiology.
Deadline to apply: Friday, February 28th, 2025
Important NOTE: The Kinesiology Research Awards competition is independent from the Summer NSERC USRA competition.
Students must follow the appropriate application process for each award competition and apply separately to be considered for each award.
Link to application form: 2025 Kinesiology Research Award Application
To be eligible, you must:
- be a current full-time student in the Honours Kinesiology Program
- have a minimum GPA of 7.0 (B-)
- have a Kinesiology faculty member sponsor your application and supervise you for the term of the award
- have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of study of your degree
- have been registered at the time of application in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award
You are not eligible if you:
- have completed all your degree requirements and are no longer registered in the Honours Kinesiology Program
- have started a program of graduate studies
- are currently holding a NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC USRA
Duration of Awards:
The duration of the award is 14 to 16 weeks on a full-time basis during the Spring/Summer terms.
Application Process:
Students must submit to the Academic Program Advisor kinug@mcmaster.ca the following:
- Completed application form and supplementary application
- Copy of unofficial transcript
As a commitment to accessibility, applicants may reach out to the Academic Program Advisor by email (kinug@mcmaster.ca) if they have any questions about the application process.
NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA)
The NSERC USRA is the Undergraduate Student Research Award, which provides support to undergraduate students to perform research during the summer under the supervision of a faculty member. This prestigious award enables undergraduate students to spend the summer months (14-16 weeks) working with a research group.
Students should meet with potential supervisors to ensure mutual interest prior to submitting an application to the department. Eligibility criteria and application process information for the award can be found on the NSERC website.
Application Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025.
Application process:
- Find an eligible supervisor that you are interested in working with.
- Complete the On-line Application and Form 202, Part I.
- Have your proposed Supervisor complete Form 202, Part II.
- Submit your application materials no later than 5:00pm on Friday, February 28, 2025 to kinug@mcmaster.ca.
Please include the following in your submission;
- Completed Online application (Form 202, Part l and Part ll).
- A copy of your unofficial transcript (Please note official transcript may be requested if successful).
- Self-identification form (if applicable).
All students are welcome to apply, but please note that this is a competitive process with a limited number of awards.
For more information about the NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award, please visit:
- NSERC USRA Program Information
- NSERC Forms and Instructions
- NSERC On-line Application Webpage
- Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), McMaster
Kinesiology Program Awards
Students registered in the Kinesiology Program are also eligible for a number of program-based awards. If you have any questions about the awards and the terms of reference listed below, please email kinug@mcmaster.ca.
Major Graduate Scholarship Deadlines
Thinking about Graduate School, either at McMaster or elsewhere? Need funding? Apply for a scholarship! List of Major Scholarships and Deadlines